Chocolate Croissants And Medium Iced Tweets?

April 7, 2009 at 1:00 pm
Ah, Williams Café. Its plethora of offerings and convenience of location make the 15-person pre-class lines oh-so-worth the wait. With its recently revamped furniture and the addition of 2% milk, Williams has stepped it up this semester, even earning itself a coveted spot among Street's Best of Penn. But has the fame gone to its caffeinated little head? Not only is its B.O.P. nod prominently posted on its bagel case -- twice -- but now the Café is followable on Twitter (where it boasted its Street cred yet again). Yes, Williams is now among the likes of Heidi Montag, Under the Button and, of course, tweeters like you. And you thought you'd never be able to get instant updates when the blueberry muffins run out.