Our Break Was Lovely, Thank You For Asking
November 30, 2009 at 10:32 am
You probably think a lot about what 34th Street editors do when they aren't editing. Right now you're probably nodding your head and screaming "Yeah! Especially over a long weekend. That's so much time!"
Woah, cool it. You're acting really weird and it's making us regret what we're about to do, which is to tell you exactly what we did over break.
Check it out after the jump.
I discovered how much I really hate cats (and how much better dogs are) when I had no choice but to lock one of three cats my brother and his wife have in the bathroom so I could peacefully sleep on their couch at 4 in the morning. - Travis Winkler
Over break, I saw The Blind Side. Twice. - Tucker Johns
I spent my break learning to reject, eating banana bread, or doing both at the same time. - Ben Rosen
I lounged on my couch watching Top Chef reruns and eating apple pie. But have no fear, I eventually left the house to fight off angry bargain hunters on Black Friday. I was unsuccessful. - Jess Goodman
I found a coonskin cap! - Charlotte Borgen
Over Thanksgiving I watched in horror as my mother devoured not just one but TWO books in the Twilight series in less than 48 hours. Following constant attempts to convince her that she was reading terrible smut, she finally had an epiphany as she stood in Borders holding a copy of Eclipse. "Paul, I can't do it," she said. "These books are terrible." Victory. - Paul Richards
Became even more nocturnal than usual thanks to a combination of late nights and an insanely comfortable bed. Got absolutely no work done. - Thomas Jansen
I DJed an opening set for Fatman Scoop, and spent the rest of the weekend trying to explain exactly who that is to my family. - Lauren Lipsay
Slept a good majority of the 72 hours I was home. When awake, was reminded that St. Louis is devoid of brunch options. Settled for lunch instead. - Julia Rubin
Reunion with 19 members of my Colombian extended family in my grandparents house in Florida. Terrorized a quiet neighborhood filled with elderly Republican couples. Lots of underage drinking and overeating. Got totally steamrolled by cousins half my age in a series of beach football games. Most exercise I've done in years. Will be sore for the rest of my life. - Sebastian Modak
Three days with Grandma J., aka three days of judgment, criticism, and Jewish guilt. All the turkey and stuffing in the world couldn't make up for that hell. - Anonymous granddaughter of Grandma J.
I ate 10 meals' worth during Thanksgiving dinner and then definitely burned off the calories during Black Friday. The Short Hills Mall is home to many experienced and aggressive shoppers, but I came out a winner. I've got plenty of bruises (and receipts) to prove it. - Darina Shtrakhman
Received a personal driving tour of my dad's Long Island hometown, complete with the smokestacks and really closely spaced real estate that evidently defined his youth. Also, a less-personal driving tour of New Jersey back roads and Jersey City, courtesy of Bolt Bus. Thanks, Wednesday-before-Thanksgiving traffic! - Annette D'Onofrio