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And The Banners Are Live


We've just received a rush of photos to kickstart the great Fling performer hunt, so here they are. The first is an "I" outside Skulls, sent in by Matthew Sternberg. After the jump, two "D's," a "C," a "K," and "I" and a "U."

A "D" outside Hill House sent in by Bridget Ercole.

Another "D" outside DRL sent in by Veronica Casellas.

A "C" on the Hub Bub truck (hey Drew!) sent in by Adam Ramada.

A "K"  under the button (<3) from Charles Dennis.

An "I" at the Radian thanks to Melissa Schall.

And, finally....

The "U" courtesy of Lisa Jacknis and Charlotte Crowley! Stay tuned for what it spells (...if you can't figure it out)!
