Can You Spell F-L-I-N-G?
February 19, 2010 at 3:23 pm
Sometimes, using regular sentences can just be so boring. That's why all you need to find out the first Fling artist is letters!
This Monday, all throughout the day, letters in the first artist's name will be scattered around campus. They can be on a banner, chalked on somewhere, or made out of a pile of SPEC kids (we hope)-- pretty much anywhere that letters weren't already present.
As soon as you spot one, hurry and hit us up at, because apparently SPEC thinks we're good spellers (wi duno wot their talkin abawt). We'll post the letters you find throughout the day until the whole name is revealed.
As if real-life Boggle wasn't cool enough, you can also win prizes! The first tipster to send in a picture of each letter wins a free wristband for floor access to the concert. But before you ask, no- you can't have the country of origin.