Man vs. Food

February 24, 2010 at 11:07 am
Did you miss IHOP's National Pancake Day yesterday? No worries—you can still get your buttermilk fix for free.
The Big Brothers Big Sisters group on campus is throwing a man vs. food-style pancake eating contest this morning at 11:50am in the Perelman Quad outside Houston.
If you want to get in on this flapjack slop fest, you can still sign up here or just show up at the event. They promise syrup AND prizes (interestingly enough, all are food related). Could life get any better?
Not that hungry this a.m.? Watching your pre-spring break bod? Rumor has it that the contest is for speed—not amount. Phew!
If the rain returns, the pancakes (and the contest) will migrate to the Bistro area inside Houston. Crepe v. Pancake?