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You Go Glen Coco!


Are you too shy to approach your super-hot T.A after class? Do you find it impossible to let your B.F. know how you feel without the eternal words of Savage Garden or N*SYNC? Or maybe you found your soulmate but haven't spoken to her since Hillel's speed dating event?

For all you lovers (and stalkers) out there, the DP is offering a V-day special that lets you send a special message to your crush, significant other or entire sorority in a giant heart-shaped puzzle piece nestled between the pages of the Friday Feb. 12 paper.

We have to admit we're a little wary of the inaugural "unclassifieds": two cups Street Shoutouts, one dash Craigslist missed connections and (likely) a hefty portion of censorship lovey-dovey wholesomeness.

But if we learned anything from elementary school valentines and high school candy grams, people eat this kind of stuff up.

So rather than putting your $8, $15 or $25 towards something ephemeral like a sushi buffet or manicure treat, you can ensure your words will stand the tests of time by being published eternally in the inaugural Valentine's Day Issue!

Feel free to include your your faux-Valentines in the comments. Personally? We at Street like Pina Coladas and getting stuck in the rain.
