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2013 Discovers The Internet (Featuring Other Class Boards)


While you were busy discovering super drugs, being on the Real World, or speaking at graduation, the freshman class board was toiling away at the brand-new 2013 website.

This development caused us to do some deep soul-searching. If the freshmen can have a class website, are there others too? What kind of mystery lies within the Class Board-osphere?

Lucky for you, we bravely ventured into this digital unknown to bring all you need to know about these hidden gems. Our meaningless point system is back in full glory after the jump; now that the Olympics are over, it's the most exciting competition ever!

Class of 2012: http://www.dolphin.upenn.edu/penn12/index.html

Domain name FAIL: -2012 Also being impossible to Google: -14 The picture of their PR guy: +pimp Continuing to spotlight Rebecca Berger for the past forever: +15 minutes of fame

Class of 2011: http://www.penn11.com/

Normal domain name: +20 A "Picture and Video of the Week" section that has probably been updated once: -14 Would the board "care to share your schedules with all the stalkers out there?" Creepy.: -40 Prominent featuring of bowties on homepage: +however old your grandpa is

Class of 2010: http://penn10.org/

Throwing us off there with the ".org": -1/2 Sweet silhouette graphics on top: +43 3-D B-Frank on the homepage!?: +304 Arthur's Corner? There's no corners in the eternal continuum of the internet: -?

And, presenting, the brand-new:

Class of 2013: http://www.penn2013.com

So you've got a domain name, you figured out the .com, but you had to have the full twenty-thirteen. Almost, guys: -52 Having a kickoff week for your website: -1337 Lack of MJ Gitter's campaign video: -214 Every 13th visitor wins a t-shirt or scarf: +20000, but only if we're the 13th visitor.

Based on the stats, we think the winner should be obvious.
