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Beer, Beer, Pong-adelphia

Jason Coben (L) and Nick Velissaris (R) play beer pong at Touchdowns Cafe on January 30, 2006. (Justin Bass/Daily)

Finally, the moment every alcoholic college kid has been waiting for- a serious excuse to play beer pong. A la the infamous Flipadelphia, the World Beer Pong Tour is set to host qualifiers for a big tournament right here in our city.

While this could be an opportunity to question the legitimacy of such an organization, we're too distracted by the thoughts of Beer! and Money! to really do much.

Events are being held at both McFadden's or The Draught Horse, where entry is $20/person. If you get first place, you get 3 free nights in Atlantic City and a chance at $50,000 in the finals!

To register, go to the WBPT website or (sketchily) call some dude at 914.505.3628. Here's to sportsmanship, competition, and naked laps!
