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Candidate Videos Are Here Again


Like a groundhog seeing his shadow, the start of spring elections campaigning can only mean one thing- candidate videos are here! Watch as our favorite StudGov hopefuls attempt to wow you with puns, graphics, and a whole new variety of discomfort.

We're trying to get as much use out of our arbitrary point system as possible, so bear with us if things get a little competitive. Meet Matt, Jake, and Jon after the jump!

Matt Amalfitano for UA President

The most interesting UA candidate at Penn? Impressive. +20

Why are you hanging out in Van Party group rooms by yourself? That's just rude. -24

Oh, we get it, Chuck Norris. Clever. If this was 2007. -30

Wait- why are these people dancing? They look super uncomfortable. Maybe the ability to choreograph dance indicates the ability to choreograph complicated student government issues? No? We're struggling here. +40

No, you can't just go there and switch from Chuck Norris to Anchorman... you just like, can't. -67

1/3 the length of that other guy's video... our attention spans thank you. +200

Jake Shuster "the Money Booster" for 2013 President and UA Rep

"Hi, my name is Jake Shuster the Money Booster." Branding WIN. +400

Because Jake rhymes with Shake. We get it! +65

Booties booties booties booties rocking EVERYWHERE. +58

So... you're not actually going to say anything? Just people shaking their butts? Oh. -102

What up, Hemo. +hangover special

Jonathon Youshaei for 2013 President

You found Larry King on the street and he endorsed you? Awesome, he's probably real well versed in the qualifications for sophomore class president. -no he's not

The rapper friend is back! And this time Youshaei actually rapped along, instead of just waving his arms. They grow up so fast. +200

90's graphics, always necessary. +35

The opposite of auto-tune slow-mo voice? No. Sorry. Good effort. -23

DISCOUNTED ICE? For some reason, that's funny. +78

"Fatal like the end of death row?" Too soon! -2...pac
