Only You Can Prevent Fraternity Fires!

March 2, 2010 at 4:28 pm
Got this one from a tipster over the weekend: Fraternity "Fire Watch!"
While the article published in Monday's DP only mentions Phi Delt as one of the houses forced to host an unwelcome guest over the weekend, apparently frats DU, Kappa Sig, SAE and Zetes—as well as sorority SDT—also put up with welcomed Allied Barton officers in each of their chapter houses.
While we certainly respect the sprinkler/fire system excuse in light of the recent ZBT blaze, we can't help but be a little suspicious given the recent rumors of the University wanting to station R.A.s in chapter houses as fraternity and sorority house monitors.
According to our tipster—and a few witnesses—the guards show up in the evening and then head out before 10a.m. What, do fires not happen during regular office hours?
Our main beef with the house visit: OFSA and facilities never gave the fraternity and sorority presidents any heads up for the visit. Talk about unwelcome guests.