PennCard Access Codes Change

March 3, 2010 at 10:03 am
Sometimes we forget the UA does things besides film cheesy videos and make amendments to a Constitution we never knew existed. Things like heighten security and privacy measures - all for you! The most recent enhancement? PennCard Access Codes, the number you punch in before you enter Penn residential buildings, will no longer be the last four digits of students' Social Security numbers. Rather, students will be assigned a random four-digit code and will have the ability to change it to something easier to remember. And if you're up to the challenge of decoding new PennPortal, existing PennCard Access Codes can now be changed under "Privacy Settings".
So what does this mean for you? We're still trying to figure out what in the world we could do if we got our hands on half of someone's SSN anyways. But hey, at least now stumbling into the Quad should be a lot less complicated!