Side x Side

March 4, 2010 at 11:29 am
Allow me to introduce a new phenomenon (and UTB's newest feature!) my friends and I discovered a few months back: the side by side. Exactly as it sounds, the side by side showcases people or places that look strikingly similar. I started documenting side by sides on a tumblr blog, and realized soon in that a lot hit close to home. Here at Penn we like to think we're one of a kind, cream of the crop, unparalleled in every way. In reality? Lots of people and places 'round these parts look EXACTLY THE SAME. Now that you're privy to side by sides, send in any Penn-related lookalikes to UTB and we'll post 'em weekly. For our first UTB side by side, we give you a Penn Comm professor and a cross-dressing nanny. Enjoy!