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Street has 74,000 Food Frenzy Points


Not really. But we'd like them! Feed us.

Things you should also do:

1. Vote for Best of Penn. You've only got a steamy 38 hours left to help choose 2010's very best. VOTE HERE. And then check out the results in the April 1st Issue of 34th Street.

2. Pick up today's issue of Street. Or download the .pdf! Not only is our cover story about LARPers (Live Action Role Play-ers) and the epic battle scenes they enact in close-by Clark Park, but the mag is chock full of goodies: this year's Relay for Life organizers are Ego of the Week, Food takes a look at famous literary figures and their drinks of choice, and Film looks at Penn's presence in Hollywood. Arts takes you out to Old City and Northern Liberties, and Lowbrow really wants you to STFU while Friends is on.

3. Come to our writer's meeting. Now is as good a time as ever to start writing for Street, so if you've got a spare half an hour or so, come on over to 4015 Walnut. We'll be here at 6:30 p.m., probably tipsy and definitely ready to welcome you into the Street family. Any questions? Contact mckay@34st.com.
