Penn Contrib in the WSJ!

April 13, 2010 at 2:30 pm
In a recent post on the Wall Street Journal's "Hire Education" blog, Penn's very own Aliza Hoffman muses on heartstrings and handshakes as she navigates the senior year job search.
While she makes a solid argument for seeking out self-discover before submitting your application to every OCR resume drop-box out there, we have to wonder why she considers working for a reputable organization ("whatever company is trendy at the time via LinkedIn") and inner happiness to be mutually exclusive.
But whatever your take on I-banking, Teach for America or the Fortune 500, we can all agree on and enjoy her reference to Smoke's making it into the WSJ:
While sharing a pitcher of cheap beer at Smoke’s, Penn’s go-to watering hole for thirsty seniors, I was approached by a friend of a friend who had just accepted her Teach for America assignment. Teetering in her four-inch stilettos, she joyfully squealed, “I’m going to be a school teacher in Las Vegas! It’s like I’m the star of my very own Van Halen video!”At least some of us know where our hearts are—for better or for worse.