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Shakespeare in Clark Park

If you're like us, and your summer has been embarrassingly lacking in fairies and donkey costumes, you might want to get your fix in Clark Park this week watching Shakespeare in Clark Park's A Midsummer Night's Dream. This is the 5th year this merry band of thespians have been doing their thing in the bowl of the park, and the best part is, you don't have to shell out any mo' ducats than you want to (meaning: aside from optional donations, this event is FREE)!

Sadly, we missed opening night yesterday, but you still have four more chances to catch a performance! Mosey on down to 43rd & Baltimore at 7pm any night this week, through Sunday, August 1. We hear this thing can get pretty crowded, though, so you might want to get there early to get a good view! We suggest you bring champagne and your best opera glasses and act like you're at the theatahh. Or, you know, a blanket and picnic basket will probably do just fine.
