BREAKING: Castle Officially A Second-Tier Frat

December 9, 2010 at 10:00 am
[Disclaimer: This article was part of our "Joke Day" series... if you couldn't tell by the usage of Comic Sans.] After much deliberation, the social experts over at CollegeACB have reached a conclusion: Castle will be demoted from its first tier position and will inhabit the less prestigious second tier.
One poster, who goes by "Anonymous 2012 Girl" and claims she is "unbiased and GDI," says, "Castle just doesn't have any swag these days. Yeah, they have an awesome house, but their mixers are soooooo lame and no one goes to their downtowns." Other contributors agreed with her enthusiastically.
Understandably, this did not go over well with some. One ACB-er wrote, "wtf this is so stupid castle will alwayz be the best because they have money and all teh hot girlz go here and i know bc i have friends in castle but i'm not in castle. and the house was in 'transformers 2'.'TRANSFORMERS 2'!!!!!!" Other commenters came to this poster's aid, posting a surprising seven replies within minutes of the original one.
Will Castle ever redeem itself? Stay tuned in here and keep checking CollegeACB to find out!