Worst Of: Study Spaces

December 14, 2010 at 10:08 am
For the first day of "Worst Of Week", we're bringing you a compilation of the worst study spots on campus (not to be confused with The DP's favorite study spots).
1. Van Pelt - Not only is it impossible to find an empty carrell during midterms (which basically constitutes the entire semester) and finals, but those wooden contraptions also make us desperately lonely and sad. Plus, Rosenparty and Weigle are always filled with those students that pull all-nighters and make us feel bad about ourselves for watching five hours of Keeping Up With The Kardashians instead of studying calculus. Oh, and did we mention that sometimes you have to wait in line, in the cold, to enter?
2. Biomed - Filled to the brim with pre-med kids, Biomed is a gloomy and scary building that must have been built during the architectural Dark Ages. It is conveniently located behind the Quad but its notorious smell, which we can probably blame on the infamous Biopond, ought to keep studiers at bay (Ha. Water joke.)
3. Huntsman - The chairs in the forum are totally impractical. Need we say more?
4. Saxby's - It's loud, it's crowded, and we can never find a table. As much as we think studying at Saxby's will be productive and exciting, it never is. There also aren't enough outlets to plug computer chargers into, causing daily battles over electricity. Plus, you're required to make some kind of comment on the hit-or-miss acoustic soundtrack at least every few hours.
5. Starbucks at Commons - First off, the couch, which is by far the most coveted seat, is always taken. This upsets us greatly. This Starbucks is also more crowded than Saxbys, with far less seating options. And there is always this weird smell in Commons that we just can't deal with. You're better off getting your coffee to go, sitting on some other couch, and putting on indie Christmas music somewhere else if you want the Starbucks studying experience.
6. Your Room - We all make this mistake at one point or another. You sit on your bed with your laptop, telling yourself you're going to get your work done. Instead, you spend hours cleaning your room (if you're a productive procrastinator), playing awesome procrastination games, sleeping, and social media-ing. We recommend getting out into the world, or at least out into your living room, to get your shit did.