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Chasing Amy: The Lunch Bunch

President of the University of Pennsylvania Amy Gutmann takes part in a panel discussion, Wednesday, May 2, 2007, in Cambridge, Mass. Simmons met at Harvard University with four other women who are current and former university presidents to discuss the changing role of gender in higher education. (AP Photo/Michael Dwyer)

When we last glimpsed Amy, she was having a good ole' time with Arianna Huffington; but it had been a while- years, it seemed!- since we had actually seen her. One day, however, after doing our usual rounds of obsessively checking our inboxes, we received an e-mail from Madame la President with the following subject line: "I would be delighted if you would join me and a small group of your fellow students for informal lunch and conversation." No! It couldn't be! It was too good to be true!

But as our shock slowly subsided and we realized what an opportunity it was, we RSVP'd immediately and made a countdown for this momentous occasion. Eventually, the day arrived, and we came to the luncheon only to find the only seats left were the ones directly next to Amy. The gods had been too good to us! And thus, it began. This is the true story of fifteen undergrads picked to eat and talk together so they can find out what happens when people stop being polite and start getting real: The Lunch Bunch.

After a few tense minutes of chatting ("Oh my gosh, you're in the College too? No way!!!!!!"), Amy entered and took a seat to our right. Unbelievable! Following her brief introduction, she asked us if we had any questions for her or any ideas/suggestions for where to hide our liquor before Fling/complaints concerning the University.

A few others put forward some questions as we finished our arancini (Did we mention that the food was awesome? 'Cause it was.), and eventually, we finally  asked what had been on our minds for ages: "Do you read Under the Button? We're all sort of obsessed with you." After laughing along with Miss Popowich, A-Gut kindly responded that yes, she did: She did read UTB! Her favorite post? That time we followed her all the way to Paris! Well, that was all we needed to hear. We had accomplished our mission.

Continuing on with questioning for a little longer, Mrs. Gutmann seemed delighted to interact with her royal subjects students. What a gracious host! After a few more minutes she gave her spiel about recent improvements at the University: the new park at the east end of campus, advancements for the nanotech building, this great new shampoo she got the other day– among other things. But soon, enough time had passed, so she bade us farewell as she returned to her Presidential Duties. Still star-struck, and full after having eaten more than our fair share of cream puffs, we retired back to class. 'Twas a good day.
