Code This For Me! Wharton Douchiness Exploited On A New Blog
February 8, 2011 at 12:25 pm
The playful characterization of Whartonites as money-hungry by the common people of the College of Arts and Sciences is such a mainstay at Penn that it's basically a cliché. What we didn't know though, is that Engineers hate Wharton's wannabe Masters of the Universe even more than the College hoi polloi – and actually with good reason.
Much to the delight of the Engineering Quad gang, and to the dismay of Hunstman Hall hangers-on, meet Whartonite Seeks Code Monkey, a blog devoted to ripping on the business students who have big dreams and plans for tech-y startups, but don't have the technical know-how to proceed. Alas, enter the Engineering Code Monkey, expected to do all the hard stuff, likely without all the recognition the biz kids are getting.
The blog, which insiders tell us is essentially produced by "the whole Computer Science undergrad body working together" finds its content in posting requests for developers and coders – often highlighting them with a mocking title. Most of the postings tend to start with "I'm looking for a..." and then rant on with some permutation of the phrases "back-end developer," "coding," "entrepreneurial," and "social networking."
The site is mostly an inside joke for those of the Comp Sci persuasion, but it sheds light on an interesting conflict between the drooling-for-startups entrepreneurs business world and the engineers they're desperately seeking to employ. Working at a start up in the tech space – in social media, mobile apps, and so on – is hot, hip and buzzword-y – naturally entrepreneurial Whartonites and entrepreneurs in New York, San Francisco and elsewhere are all over it (they've got the same problems as us). But without the technical prowess to build these apps and sites themselves, the Engineers have the upper hand.