UTB Love Week: True Life Conversation Hearts

February 13, 2011 at 2:26 pm
Love Week continues with more tales from the heartland as we talk to real, honest-to-goodness college couples who will help you remember just how single you are! Up next are Seniors Kim E. and Gareth G., who give us the real nitty-gritty on relationships, hairstyles and their deep appreciation for schnitzel. This is what love is all about, folks.
UTB: How exactly does love blossom between a Beta Bro and a former Pilam Princess? KE: Gareth thought maybe I was a lesbian, maybe I wasn't. He offered to convert me if I was. It was really romantic. GG: While trolling the streets of Prague, I found Kim in the middle of a vicious knife fight with a Czech cab driver. When she was victorious, I knew she was the one.
UTB: You're both English majors – do you spend a lot of time unpacking each other's thoughts? Writing each other poems? KE: Yeah, and finishing each other's– GG: Orgasms.
UTB: Many celebrity couples have a hard time weathering the storm of paparazzi and the pressure of being a public figure – how do you plan to handle the fame after being featured on UTB? KE: A few well-publicized break-ups and make-ups...maybe some rumors about me and John Mayer. And I'll get Kim Kardashian pregnant. GG: Probably go Britney, shave my whole head up. Then write a book about it called Going Bro-gue.
UTB: Does having similar hairstyles strengthen the bonds of love? KE: I've always wanted to know what I'd look like as a blond. GG: We actually don't even own a mirror; when we get up in the morning, we just look at each other and know how good our hair is.
UTB: Lodging preference: Radian suite or Meatshack shanty? GG: We sleep at the Writers House. If I'm ever more than 50 meters away from a flannel shirt I actually stop breathing. KE: I had to find a barista from Capogiro a few times to resuscitate him.
UTB: Favorite place for schnitzel on/around campus? KE: For the Schnitz? Are you kidding me? Only one place: Hummus. Over the Greek salad. Throw in some cabbage and you've got lunch, my friend. GG: Go to Philly Diner. Order the schnitzel. See what happens.
Young lovers have been known to see fireworks when they kiss – what do you see? KE: A big face really close to my face. GG: Han Dynasty's Dan Dan Noodles. If you don't know what I'm talking about, you've never truly loved.