Alternative Fling Break

March 23, 2011 at 2:33 pm
Everyone loves to hate those really intense, take-themselves-too-seriously, horrible monster movies, right?
If you're not feelin' the Thursday night downtowns comin' atcha the weekend of Fling, the Academy of Natural Sciences has a solution for you: Mega-Bad Movie Night!
Following the success of last year's "awesomely awful" movie screening, the museum you would have otherwise never ventured to is turning the event into an annual tradition. This year it brings you Mega Piranha, with running commentary from experts on the film's scientific booboos and overall badness.
This all-you-can-drink nerdfest will run you about $15, but should be the perfect way to impress that hipster in your writing seminar. Check out the trailer after the jump!