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This BFD (Ben Franklin Dinner) is a BFD

Ben Franklin wearing sunglasses --- Image by

Well, Penn Dining, you've done it again. In an effort to seemingly incorporate Sir Franklin into students' daily lives a little bit more (didn't think THAT could happen, did you?), Bon Appétit has announced that on Wednesday, March 23, they will be hosting "A Modern Twist on Ben's Favorite Foods." Early to bed early to rise is right, as Ben's favorite grub (yup, he hand-picked the menu) will be served starting at 5:00pm and continuing until 8. Menu highlights include: root soup, cranberry stuffing cakes, roasted pork, and sweet potato pie. Hold on to your buttons!

Read the full email from Penn Dining after the jump.

Why did Ben Franklin want the turkey to be our national bird? Because he thought it was delicious! Now you can get a taste of what Ben's dining experience might have been at "A Modern Twist on Ben's Favorite Foods" on Wednesday, the 23rd day of March, Two Thousand and Eleven. 'Supper' (the term used in the 1700s for Dinner) will be served from 5:00pm - 8:00pm.

Click here to see the entire menu featuring Benjamin Franklin's favorite dishes - including lots of vegetarian options (In his youth Ben was briefly a vegetarian).

In addition to the tasty fare, the event will feature Ben inspired games with modern day prizes.

We hope to see thee there!
