UTB GIVEAWAY: Two Fling Concert Floor Passes!

March 30, 2011 at 2:25 pm
Missed the mad rush for floor passes to the Fling concert this morning? Never fear! We've got your back. Yep, we've got two of these golden tickets and we're giving them away! Now, this is not just any old raffle. It is a serious contest based on talent and awesomeness. Check out instructions for how to enter after the jump.
Here's how it works:
1) Make us a video something creative. Ideally this should be something that incorporates Penn, Fling, SPEC artists, or even a little blog named after some sartorial modern art, who knows. It's really up to you and those giant imaginations of yours.
2) Send it in to tips@underthebutton.com. The deadline is Monday, April 4th at midnight, so you better get crackin'!
3) Keep checking UTB obsessively until we post the winners, and we'll tell you how to come claim your prize!
Update: We've broadened the submission options from videos to anything creative–a video, a song, a picture, a poem, whatever. Let those creative juices flow!