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What's NOT HapPENNing?


Seeing as this is the most anticipated week of the entire year, we bring you a very special edition of your favorite Monday feature: What's NOT HapPENNing? From Fling floor passes to passing out on the floor, this week promises to be crazier than that time you took sips of wine coolers at your cousin's wedding! Check out what's going on around campus this week in between your power hours, sloppy picnics and BYOs at Commons!

Spring Fling Who: Everyone When and where: Monday, 12:00 a.m.–Sunday, whenever you wake up; Everywhere Why: Do you really need a reason? Suggested Drink: SHOTS

College Palooza Who: Everyone When and where: Monday, 11:00 a.m.-3 p.m.; College Green Why: It's a celebration of the College! No arts and crafts here, but do expect prizes, performing arts groups and 60-second lectures by Penn's best professors. The Cupcake Truck is going to be there also. So, you know, GO. Suggested Drink: Mojito

Ben and Jerry's Free Cone Day Who: Ben and Jerry's When and where: Tuesday, 12 p.m.-8 p.m.; 40th and Locust Why: Free ice cream?! We're there. Suggested Drink: Rum and Coke

Hillel Tie-Dye Extravaganza Who: Hillel Freshmen When and where: Tuesday, 4:30-6:00 p.m.; Field in front of Hillel Why: It's a chance to make wearable art. You just need to bring your own shirt, and you're golden! Also, free snacks. FREE. (Did we mention we like free food?) Suggested Drink: Manischewitz

Puppets: The Original Avatars Who: Penn Humanities Forum When and where: Wednesday, 5-6:30 p.m.; Bodek Lounge (Houston) Why: Puppets? Puppets! There's going to be a discussion about the enduring but struggling art of puppetry. Lots of puppet connoisseurs will be there, and it'll be a great way to spice up your Wednesday afternoon. We're wondering if Franklin will make an appearance, though. Suggested Drink: Gin and Tonic

