Ornery Seniors: "We Want Our Bar Back!"

May 4, 2011 at 10:06 pm
Regulars of Smoke's will notice that, lately, the crowd has started to skew a little...young. Seniors everywhere have noticed (and complained about!) this affront to their very seniority. Some particularly cranky 2011'ers are trying to reclaim their right to sentimentality the old fashioned way: with a petition! The manifesto/reasoning is below:
"SENIORS --- let us reclaim what is rightfully ours. In these last precious days of our undergraduate life, let us join together to protect our bar, Smokey Joe's, from the distraction of underclassmen. For decades, Smoke's has been a gathering place for the senior class. Its photograph-covered walls, wood panels, stained glass and red leather booths are the backdrop of many of our most cherished memories. But gone are the fall nights when the Smoke's scene looked like the member pages of our 2011 "just admitted, now let's stalk each other" Facebook group; for whatever reason, there's been an unmistakable and undesirable influx of juniors, sophomores and freshman to our beloved watering hole. They're young, they're annoying, and they make ordering drinks, walking with pitchers and sitting in booths treacherous activities. Most of all, they just don't belong. So, for the love of Kweder, Yuengling and bartenders in ties: SIGN THIS PETITION TO ASK MR. RYAN TO REQUIRE 2011 PENNCARDS FOR ADMISSION TO SMOKE'S ONCE FINALS ARE OVER UNTIL OUR COMMENCEMENT, May 10th through May 16th. Let's take back the bar."Shyikes! How strongly worded! Of note: won't the student population be mostly seniors during senior week anyway? And why is this categorized as an "education" petition? We'll be interested to see how this plays out. The petition (which, at press time, boasted a whopping 6 signatures) is available for viewing/signing here.