Insurance Office: Pump The Brakes!

June 2, 2011 at 5:59 pm
Guess it wouldn't be our health care system if it wasn't utterly confusing and inconsistent. Student Health Service's Compliance Officer Dennis Shinners has been correcting many-a-typo in his rather important insurance-related e-mails, much to the agony of both our inboxes and our patience. Has he no listserv etiquette? If only papers could be handed in this way...
What you need to know: the most up-to-date insurance information can be found in Shinners' final e-mail around 10:30 p.m., or after the jump. Now go get covered.
The basics:
- You need to have health insurance
- You can use your regular insurance from home or your parents or whatever if it fulfills the criteria detailed here
- If your old insurance isn't adequate, you have to buy it from Penn
- Be around a computer starting July 1st, 2011 to start the waiver process that they will (hopefully correctly) email you about, or to buy insurance from Penn.
- The "2" key is next to the "1" key. Use this information before you send out 4 emails about the 12-month period from "8/15/11-8/15/11."