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Shutterbutton: You Edition! Send Us Your Pretty Pics

We live on a college campus in autumn. This is one of the prettiest places in the world to be right now; fall at Penn is where admissions brochures come from, and what people think of when they imagine "Ivy League." Naturally, our newsfeeds have been more than a little cluttered by muploads and photographers alike posting homages to the season. We want to see those pictures!

Send us your beautiful foliage, your waning sunlight or your "people playing frisbee in the Quad without a care in the world" and we'll put them up on UTB for the world to see. You can tweet them at us, tag our Facebook page in your pics or use good old-fashioned email. Just send them quick— soon it will be too cold to operate your shutter button without freezing a finger off.
