Annenberg Makes A Funny
January 25, 2012 at 2:02 pm
You've probably by now heard of (it's okay if you haven't), the Annenberg Public Policy Center's nonprofit website "that aims to reduce the level of deception and confusion in U.S. politics." But now that this site is all grown up, winning awards, and on its way to a good college, APPC is putting all its energy into its new baby,, launched just a few weeks ago.
Like its big brother, FlackCheck attempts to hold politicians and media coverage accountable for what they say, but in true lil sib fashion, drops the straight-laced formalities and does so using humor and parody.
With running features like the sad-but-hilarious "Could Lincoln Be Elected Today?", satirical debate and media watches, and a bunch of snarky videos, FlackCheck's got your back during this election season.