Commentary Presented With Commentary
January 15, 2012 at 1:20 pm
Yo commenters, do you realize how rad you are? You make us laugh, correct information in our posts and call us out for being unrepentant twats. We want to show you our thanks, so give a warm welcome back to that ol' friend that's been a-hiding for the past year: Commentary Presented With Commentary. Now, let's take a trip around The Internet to see the best (and most bizarre) of our comments in the past week.
The Guys, I Know What I'm Talking About, I Got An A In Econ002 award goes to Antitrust Federal Trade Commission, who brought Houston's new prices into a wider perspective:
People’s financial aid is determined by cost of living. Houston is raising the price of its food, which the school forces students to purchase, but this doesnt change the expected cost of living.We don't really "get" "economics" but that sounds about right.
The Derek Zoolander Award For Kids Who Can't Read Good goes to @Anon, who apparently can't read good. Replying to another commenter's guess that the new space in Houston Market would be occupied by the so-called "sucky" Student Financial Credit Union, @Anon asked:
just curious, why is it tacky?
Oh jesus UTB. This is a new low for you. It’s called a joke. Or irony. Have you ever heard of that? Clearly not, considering the usual boring crap that is posted on this website. Honestly, the sorority ‘recruitment’ process is sexist, dumb and horribly archaic, and someone was pointing that out. But I guess the Panhel big shots have a lot more pull than at this school than I thought. Anyone with a sense of humor would think that this is funny. Also, how is this unoriginal other than the fact that it’s another fake Penn twitter? I’ve never seen anyone so blatantly point out the superficiality of the rush process in a public forum. And that last little dig? “Hey, @UndergroundRush, if you’re not going to add anything new or (at the very least) remotely interesting to the conversation, you should leave now. You’re embarrassing yourself.” How is THAT bitchiness any better than what you’re so rudely attempting to put down? Really UTB? Try not to be such pretentious jerks and have a sense of humor.