The Quaker, He's Just Like Us!
January 19, 2012 at 10:13 am
How many times have you fainted from excitement at the sight of campus celebrity QUAKER BEN FRANKLIN? Hopefully zero, because that would be weird, but QBF is a BFD. Everybody's always wanting to snap some pics and ride around in a giant motorized football helmet with him. He's so cool and popular! We wish we could be more like him...
But from the looks of this photo shoot courtesy of the Office of University Communications, our mascot isn't all that different from us!
He likes getting his creep on in Fisher Fine Arts, JUST LIKE US!
He likes pretentiously contemplating abstract art, JUST LIKE US!
He likes straining to bench 200 lbs. and accidentally letting out an enormous toot in Pottruck, JUST LIKE US!!!