I Let, You Let, We All Let On Pennlets
February 9, 2012 at 10:03 am
Have you felt like something's been...missing in the past couple months? An unexplained emptiness in your life? Yeah, us, too. Then we realized it was because none of our classmates were launching any new kooky inventions or start-ups. Fortunately that void has been filled by a useful new website developed by some budding young entrepreneurs among us.
Pennlets hosts a collection of sublet listings by Penn students, for Penn students. The layout is crisp and clean, the listings are conveniently organized by semester, and listing is free, unless you want to pay $10 to be in the featured listings for a month. Say goodbye to letting your lonely Uloop listing wither away and die without having been seen by a single person. GOT AN EMPTY SPACE? THEY CAN FILL IT. (Innuendo intended, right? Right?)