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For Millennial Men, There's No Place Like Home


Good news for all the Chazz Reinholds out there! A recent study conducted at Penn by Assistant Professor of Economics Greg Kaplan shows that Generation Y men who live with their parents earn more than lone rangers who opt out of returning to their racecar beds with Star Wars sheets.

According to the UPenn study, young men don’t even have to physically relocate Chez Mom & Dad to reap the economic benefits. Just having the option to move back home provided enough of a psychological security net to allow them to be more discriminating about the kind of jobs they accepted, which translates to holding out for positions with higher long-term earning potential. At 23, men who had the option to return to the nest were earning 5% more a month than those who didn’t.
This new research is refreshing because it not only casts our generation in a more positive light—slowly chipping away at our lazy, bucket-of-excuses iMage—but it's finally a study about millennials conducted by a millennial himself ! While these two factors might be strongly correlated, we applaud Kaplan for stepping up to the plate to defend us against all the "kids these days" finger-waggers.
