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You'll Soon Be Able To Buy Alcohol Where You Can Now Buy Porn


Good news, everyone! The goddesses have finally decided to respond to our demands for a campus  liquor store after the closing of the 41st and Market booze vendor. As West Philly Local reports, applications for the heavily contested space (currently an adult video store) were rejected by the Zoning Board in April, but a recent vote of 3-1 has overturned that decision. Politics!

Like a lonely, frustrated caterpillar morphing into a wino butterfly, the space may start the turnover process as early as August, although there's no official renovation timeline yet. The liquor store is also slated to be part of the "Premium Collection" of the Wine and Spirits chain, which means that there'll be mini-bottles of Patrón at the cashier and more than two varieties (flavors? colors? sunset blushes?) of Franzia for sale. Cheers to that!
