SEPTA Always Late But Still Finishes First
July 27, 2012 at 12:24 pm
Looks like SEPTA is finally "on track" to getting its act together. Yesterday, Philly's-lazy-and-sketchy-little-brother-who-we-only-put-up-with-because-it-was-Mom's-dying-wish earned himself a "token" of recognition from the American Public Transportation Association (APTA), which named him "the best large transit system in North America."
APTA prez Michael Melaniphy "cited SEPTA's consolidated control center, environmentally friendly construction programs, large fleet of hybrid buses, and financial management." Also the way it pimped our ride last holiday season.
As notes, however, not all of the eligible transportation agencies actually applied for the nomination, so it's kinda like beating your Math104 curve the day all the BC Calc kids get sick. Still, according to SEPTA's ridership reports, the agency served an impressive 339.3 million passengers this year—no thanks to all the Penn kids cabbing to Salento. (That creepy waiter isn't worth it, girls.)
Anyway, we bet this lady is really happy.