Have You Guys Heard About This Election?
October 31, 2012 at 5:25 pm
It's pretty hush-hush, but there's a super-dramatic presidential race going on between Mitt Zombie and BOOrack Obama. Spooky! Anyway, whether or not you're in the know of this election, the Penn Political Coalition is currently presenting Political Action Week, which promises to be as exciting as it is alliterative (please pledge to go to polls!). Hurricane Sandy may have stolen the thunder of Amy's Halloween Party, but the PPC is proudly cramming in as much political proactivity as possible over the next three days.
A full schedule of events can be found here and on Facebook, but the fun kicks off tonight in Huntsman at 7 (you can still get A-Gut's desserts) with Obama's Cabinet Secretary Christopher Lu. Don't worry about political bias, though: College Republicans will be screening the controversial documentary 2016: Obama's America tomorrow in Huntsman at 6 p.m. And of course, the festivities will conclude with a free food Schmoozer on Friday, before the PPC starts its weekend pre-election panic (more Ps!).