New Guide to Study Spaces
December 12, 2012 at 1:43 pm
It's finals time. You're looking for the optimal place to study, but you can't find any more beds carrels in Van Pelt - we're here to help you find some of the niche study spaces on campus, as always. Freshbabies, be attentive!
Fisher Fine Arts - Silence. You take one poop too loud in the restroom and you're blacklisted.
Education Commons - Any NARP (non-athletic regular person) is welcome, but the place reeks of balls: foot, soft, base, basket, you name it!
Rooftop Lounges - Avoid Harrison. You'll get stuck in an elevator, most likely with a stressed out freshman who hasn't showered for days named Sitswithpig.
The Inn at Penn - Get cozy next to a fireplace and make the concierge think you're a guest. She'll order out for you. Really, she will.
Biomedical Library - It's quiet, but beware of the temperature extremes. Also, be mindful of the chatty-Kathy-but-actually-a-man security guard at the entrance.
DRL - A guaranteed wasteland, this "laboratory" will also serve as a reminder as to why you didn't choose math or physics.
A-Gutt's office - She's most likely absent, so if you can manage to sneak in, send us pictures.