Penn Tumblr Leaves Nothing To Be Desired

December 11, 2012 at 1:55 pm
For what he’s calling an “artistic project,” Penn junior Dane Maniella recorded every desire he had on December 1, 2012. And we mean every desire. Let’s just say hour 0:00 is probably NSFVP (Not Safe For Van Pelt). If nothing else, this project shows us just how many desires we experience over the course of a day. In order to stave off our latest desire, not wanting to study for finals, we’ve decided to help Dane out and resolve some of his desires:
- Dane: I don’t want to be nervous about switching out of engineering. I want to reassure myself that I made the right choice. I want others to reassure me that I made the right choice.
- UTB: You totally made the right choice!
- Dane: I want to have a favorite Animal Collective song.
- UTB: You’re welcome.
- Dane: I want to know where the microphone is on this phone.
- UTB: iPhone or Blackberry?
- Dane: I want to make a joke on my pledge class list serve.
- UTB: How about this one? ;)
- Dane: I want some lumbar support.
- UTB: Have you checked Amazon lately?
- Dane: I want to help out the environment.
- UTB: It can be easy!