Locust Flaikus: Edition 1
February 1, 2013 at 12:21 pm
Introducing "Locust Flaikus", the horribly-named feature that brings both Locust flyers and haikus together as one. It's creative, we know.
Your group matters to us, so if 1) you're willing to bear the frigid cold and 2) you're talented enough to get a flyer into the hands of one of our esteemed writers, you'll get a haiku written about your event. Simple. Best flyer gets their own post. And here's week 1:
Beautopious Men Futuristic show See it seventeen more times! Funny, Mask and Wig.
For the Theater Nerds: Laughter at Houston Miniature TAC-E plays This weekend only.
"The flyer is free!" -- Some Wharton Kid Chinese networking? "Advent of a New Decade" Hm, not interested.
Jazz & Grooves & Mac DeMarco Free concert? Thanks, SPEC! What is a Bleeding Rainbow? Tonight at PiLam
Monday Blood Drive Do you like needles? Get them clean in Hall of Flags! Don't go if squeamish.