What's HapPENNing?

February 11, 2013 at 10:40 am
Dear readers, we heard your frantic cries, and we've responded accordingly. Everyone's second-favorite weekly roundup is back! So let's get down to the nitty gritty, shall we? Here's what's hitting campus this week.
Bipartisan State of the Union Watchparty Who: Penn Dems and College Republicans When and where: Tuesday, 9PM in JMHH F95 Why: The only thing that would make this bipartisan affair better is if the free pizza at the event were half mushroom and half pepperoni.
Advance Screening of Safe Haven Who: SPEC Film When and where: Tuesday, 7:30PM at The Rave Why: Based on yet another sappy Nicholas Sparks novel, this is a sure way to ease into Valentine's Day.
Affirmative Action Panel Who: Civic House et al. When and where: Tuesday, 7:30-9PM in Steiny-D 1206 Why: There's a big Supreme Court affirmative action decision comin' atcha real soon, so if you wanna know what's poppin', best stop by this event and educate yourself.
Battle of the Bands Who: Penn Colleges Against Cancer (Relay for Life) When and where: Wednesday, 8PM at Blockley Why: Support some of our homegrown artists while supporting cancer research.
Singing Valentines Who: Penn Glee Club When and where: Thursday, everywhere. Literally everywhere. You will know. Why: This is a great way to embarrass the crap out of that special someone.
34th Street Annual Fiction & Poetry Contest Who: 34th Street Mag When and where: All submissions must be sent to STREETFEATURES@34ST.COM by 11:59 PM on Thursday! Why: Don't let your over-the-top college admission essay just sit around and fester. Submit it for the world to see!
The Vagina Monologues Who: Feminists everywhere. When and where: Friday & Saturday, 8PM at Irvine Why: Because they've been screaming "PUSSSSSSY" at you for weeks on the Walk and this is the only way to make them stop.