Color War Of The Color Wars

April 5, 2013 at 2:51 pm
Remember that movie Pleasantville, where Reese Witherspoon and Tobey Maguire got sucked into that television and their lives became black and white? Well that's the opposite of what's happening tomorrow, when Penn will be so loaded with color that you'll have to desaturate your Instagrams. Chi Omega will be holding their annual Color Wars on Rodin Field, a field day extravaganza whose profits go to the Make A Wish Foundation. SIMULTANEOUSLY, Class Boards from all 4 classes will be holding Holi: A Festival of Color on College Green.
In the nature of good-old-fashioned competition, we are pitting these two events against each other, COLOR STYLE. The categories and winners:
1. Location: Advantage Chi O, because it's closer to where all nonfreshmen reside.
2. Cultural Significance: Advantage Class Board, because Holi is a holiday, and they're partnering with the Hindu Students Association.
3. Facebook Event Photo: This one's a tie, because, click on them, they are almost identical. Did they hire the same graphics guy??
4. Civic Responsibility: Advantage Chi O. It's philanthropy, y'all. Plus a little birdie tells us that Penn spent tens of thousands of dollars on colored powder, and we want more financial aid.
5. Your Eventual Profile Picture: Advantage Class Board. Artsy/cultured/disheveled-- Voila!
Oh crap, it's a tie! Looks like you'll just be running comically from one event to the other, growing increasingly sweaty and vibrant. Better luck next time.