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This Woman Did WHAT In Huntsman?!


The wee hours of the morning in Huntsman Hall may trick your brain into seeing a mirage, but this is one possibly-Photoshopped image that you won't be able to get out of your head: a naked woman standing on the Forum steps.

If you're thinking this must be a money-making scheme, you're not so far from the truth. Senior in the Huntsman Program Sarah Meyohas launched a website tonight, businessnudeto sell postcards with NSFW (Not Safe For Wharton) photos of classmate Danielle Swanner posing nude in JMHH.

Each souvenir is yours for only $5 (or $15 for the whole collection), assuming you gain access to the password-protected site (hint: getnaked). 

Between spamming listservs, changing her cover photo, and posting in the Class of 2013 Facebook group, Sarah is trying to go viral. In her words, "The project is about distribution, its currency as image, especially material." Huh?

We're sort of speechless. All we have to say Sarah (and Danielle) is...add us on Snapchat? 
