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Van Pelt Extended Hours In Effect...Now


Two a.m. and she calls me 'cause I'm still awake... Preach, Anna Nalick, because it's Twitter-official: VP's main building is open until 2 a.m. all the way through finals, effective immediately. As happy as we are that the exodus to Rosenparty is no longer at the absurdly early hour of midnight, the fact that @upennlib had to tweet something with the words "today" and "finals" is disconcerting.

Where did the time go?! Oh yes, last day of classes in about two weeks, so buckling down to start those final research papers now is not unwise. Who are we kidding? Do your mental health a favor and don't take advantage of these extended hours until after this weekend. And if we see you in there during Fling, you're getting MERTed.
