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A Whole New PennWorld

Do you use Tinder? What is the Internet? According to a couple of young strapping Penn-trepeneurs who created PennWorld, it's a series of tubes that can let you "Meet other students you otherwise may not meet." Ohhh! Sounds intriguing.

Here's how PennWorld works. You enter some basic information about yourself: your name, email (to confirm you are a Penn student) and a sentence about yourself. Give a simple, tasteful, but all-the-while alluring one-liner like, "I'm sitting in Starbucks." Just enough personal info to get  matched with people who are truly gonna impact your life, ya know?

Then, numbers and algorithms and unicorn dust happens, and you get matched with strangers! You get their contact info and can email them to get coffee! play sports! do neat stuff! and then write back to PennWorld and let them know how you're changing the world (and how it's changed *~*you*~*).

COOL, HUH? Apparently 500+ brave souls have already used it. Tell us in the comments if you've tried it and how it goes.
