The Worst Possible Things That Could Happen During Finals

December 12, 2013 at 12:18 pm
On this finals-eve morning, all the work you didn’t do on the first Reading Day may be stressing you out. But before you let your blood pressure levels climb through the room, close your textbooks and release that highlighter from its death-grip to take a moment to imagine how much worse everything could be. It’s therapeutic, or something.
1. Bundling up and carrying all your shit to the library only to realize you left your charger at home.
2. Finding out that you’ve developed an allergy to caffeine so instead of fueling your all-nighters with Red Bull and coffee you have to resort to setting alarms on your phone every 30 minutes.
3. Having to take a math or science final sans calculator because you forgot it.
4. Breaking a finger, making typing/writing/shoveling food down your mouth all that more difficult.
5. Losing all your notes from the semester after your laptop got a virus from downloading every episode of Breaking Bad.
6. Hitting up the Van Pelt couches for a quick nap and missing your final because people were too busy taking pictures of you to wake you up.
7. GrubHub shuts down, forcing you to choose between leaving your study cave for food or living off of the stale Cheerios in your pantry.
8. Taking a detour from study central to vom-city after getting food poisoning from some questionable Wawa cheese sticks.
9. Having your bootycall reject you because they need to “study”.
10. Getting robbed at 38th and Locust for your Adderall.