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This Is What (Valentine's) Dreams Are Made Of


For those of you not feeling the love tonight, don't fret, we aren't either. But instead of playing the Grinch that stole V-Day (again), here's a list of dream Penn pairings that will probably make you feel cold and hungry, but we hope it makes you see that there's someone something out there for everyone!

- Wawa and 2am

- Insomnia and your diet starting tomorrow, you swear

- Greek life mentioned on UTB and comment wars

- Magic Carpet open hours and no one's schedules

- Kiwi for dinner...and lunch

- Midterms and absolutely nothing

- Working out and celebratory froyo

- Canada goose coats and smoking cigarettes outside of VP

- Locust and avoiding eye contact with everyone

- Your virginity and the button

- Any study space and no heat

- A class in DRL and the "drop" button on Penn InTouch

- The Crepe place and the best day you've had in a while

- Day drinking and snow days

- Cold weather and Netflix

- Blarney Athletes and the Liquor Control Board

- Locust Walk and girls dressed as vaginas

- Skipping your 9 am...and skipping your 10 am




