(20)18 Things More Likely To Happen At Penn Than You Being Admitted

March 27, 2014 at 11:58 am
Decisions for Penn's Class of 2018 go live today at 5:00 p.m. With the lowest acceptance rate in history, nothing is certain. Besides the 13% of the class filled by legacies. Regardless, emotions will be high as day fades to night and the decision page fades to a 404 error. To keep things in perspective, we've compiled a list of 18 things that are more likely to happen at Penn than an undergraduate admission.
1. Eight or more friends have summer jobs in investment banking: 83.1%
2. Snow falls on fling weekend: 13.7%
3. You wear a tank anyway: 98.9%
4. Dean Furda tags himself in his own tweets: 92.2%
5. Starbucks under Commons makes your drink "the Starbucks way": 9.96%
6. You get an A in a biology class: 12.4%
7. Blarney accepts your ID of a different race and gender: 78.5%
8. You get run over crossing Spruce Street by Wawa: 45.2%
9. Dean Furda rejected a few kids at the end to keep the admissions rate in the single digits: 99.9%
10. You use all your meal swipes as a freshman: 23.8%
11. Betches ditch Sweetgreen and go to Saladworks instead because the line was too long: 11.1%
12. You stop feeling peer pressure to tip on HubBub's iPad: 13.2%
13. John Legend becomes Penn's mascot: 78.1%
14. You have an original '00' PennCard: 17.9%
15. Walk down locust without being danced/sang/flyered at: 10.1%
16. You've thought about wanting to keep the charitable pair of Warby Parkers for yourself: 95.8%
17. Amy Gutmann continues to grow younger: 30.1%
18. You were one of the lucky 2,420 who snuck in Early Decision: 54.0%
Good Luck, Baby Quakers. We hope to see you this Fall! xoxo