What's HapPENNing?
March 31, 2014 at 6:17 am
Hello, friend. We hope you had a restful weekend because as you might be able to tell from the size of the list below, EVERYTHING IS HAPPENING THIS WEEK. Seriously, so much:
Ongoing: Festival Latino 2014 Muchos eventos. Speakers and workshops and banquets galoré.
Ongoing: Mental Wellness Week Check out some of these events---including Take Back the Night on Thursday---to help raise mental health awareness.
Tuesday: Discovering the Fragrance Industry with Macy's Check out this olfactory opportunity to learn about the design, marketing, and launch of fragrances. Part of Penn Fashion Week!
Also Tuesday: Vince Gilligan SPEC brings us the mastermind behind Breaking Bad, bitch! It's gonna be Freaking Good.
Thursday: Penn Players Present Hedda Gabler Heddon over to Annenberg to catch Penn Players' spring production.
Friday and Saturday: Penn Sirens present A Pitch in Time Sirens are usually associated with crime, but these Sirens are associated with voices prime and talent sublime. Rhyme.
Also Friday and Saturday: Harry Patma Let the gals of Atma put you under their a cappella spell-a.
Saturday: Spring Fashion Show | Rave New World What does Aldous Huxley think about all this?!
Also on Saturday: Chi Olympics Games and food and prizes---?h my! Go out and support Make-a-Wish with teams of 5 to 10!
Also on Saturday: Holi Holi moli! Spring is offish here and there's no better way to celebrate.
Sunday: Once Upon A Barrio Fog machines, Filipinos, and freaky folklore---what more could you ask for?
Also on Sunday: Phobia which gets this haiku: Hype Dance Crew presents: A fear-inspired dance routine. Brave enough to go?
Did we forget anything? Let us know in the comments! Peep events@penn for more things to do instead of homework.