Career Services Assists Drunk Senior In Need

April 17, 2014 at 3:38 pm
Remember fall of your freshman year when you were so excited to get emails? Forget doing your own laundry or managing your finances (lol); having more than three unread messages is adulthood.
Fast forward to now, when your jaded, bitter self ventures into your inbox with resignation and disgust. The biggest targets for our collective contempt are those email superstars (we’re looking at you, Troy) who send so many emails that some among us believe we’ve formed a personal relationship with them. Last Friday, Senior Associate Director of Career Services Claire Klieger sent an email to the senior class. The subject line read “Fling into the possibilities!”, with Ms. Klieger going on to say, “Yes, I went there, but this is the time of year to embrace the “cheese” so…Happy Fling!” One Flinging Senior decided to dig deeper and uncover the hidden meaning of this Career Services email, resulting in the email chain in the picture above.We must applaud Ms. Klieger for her timely, informative and friendly responses. Maybe she thought that at 2 p.m., she was communicating with a sober and soon-to-be productive member of society. Maybe she didn’t. But it’s comforting to know that when we stand dazed and confused, pondering the mysteries of the emails flooding our inbox, crying out into the void – someone is listening.