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Senior Societies 2014, Part II

In case you were wondering who the crème de la crème of Wharton and Nursing are, behold the Lantern and Nightingales societies.

Maybe they're born with it, or maybe their best friends tapped them. Either way, you're amongst the elite now, cherubs. Make it work.

Another round of applause for the newbies, you're on the edge of glory.


Danielle Cerepnalkovic Andrea De Leon Eric Fiedler Jack Gaybrick Alli Gorman Nathalie Herman Makini Hughes Timothy Ismail Jordan Jett Billy Lewis Nick Longtin Louis Markham Michael Mutscheller Ali Och Aarman Pai Gerald Parloiu Dylan Petrich Luke Roscowinski Stephanie Salem Iacopo Santini Joe Strege Brianna Thompson Julia Wein


Amanda Berman Julia Boulton Phelps Chamblin Makeda Constable Kiara Davis Natalie Delcarson Kerry Dolan Lauren Eisenhauer Jodi Feinberg Adrianne Feldmiller Tara Fernandez Nick Giordano Katie Ierardi Jen Israelite Elise Johanson Jillian Kaltman Jill Kennedy Laine Mulcahy Camille Parry Jackie Rosenthal Jillianne Santos Molly Schwalje Caroline Vietze Sarah Voisine Anjerie Yohn

