Hi Professor, I Disagree With The Grade You Gave Me: An Email Tale

May 23, 2014 at 11:06 am
When the CITsender emails appear in our inboxes, it's hard to know how to feel. They can deliver joy at achieving a high grade, relief at managing a less-high grade, or shock at receiving a much lower grade than predicted. One finance student who found himself in such a condition decided not to stand idly by and emailed his professor asking for a course regrade.
After explaining in great detail why, exactly, he disagrees with the professor's grading of his final project, the student moves on to another sore spot: his participation grade, saying that it was hard to find time to go to class AND go to his 200 (okay, only 60) OCR interviews. But it should be no big, because, as he says, "Anyone who read and understood the content of the textbook would likely find [material covered in class] redundant."
We get it---these grades are our own and we gotta fight for what we think is fair. Just, y'know, maybe we can try to find a way to do it that doesn't make us sound so...difficult.
Read the full email here:
Few things:
- "With all due respect" should be retired for being prob one of the top 3 disrespectful things you can say
- Maybe don't start the paragraph detailing one of your key demands with "As an aside,"
- How does Professor Very-Detailed-Rubrics feel about all this???
- How considerate of you to hold office hours during guest lectures!
- All in all, justifying class absence was maybe not the best idea?
- Ah, the classic email/talk after class/email vicious cycle. Killer.